John - The Beloved Disciple

Right next to Jesus

Do you want to wash my feet? No worries.
St John the Apostle, also known in the Gospel of John as the "Beloved Disciple" or the "one whom Jesus loved" does not have any lines in the Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion. Not one.
But he is in almost every scene with Jesus.
He enters Jerusalem with Jesus to the adoring crowds.
He is sent with St Peter to prepare the Last Supper.
When Jesus beckons St John to sit down and have his feet washed, he sits down obediently. He may not have understood at the time what Jesus was doing, but he knew Jesus had a good reason so he just says, "OK" and does what Jesus wants.
Then he is next to Jesus during the Last Supper taking everything in.
Jesus then includes St John as well as Sts Peter and James to support him in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He runs when Jesus is arrested, but is quickly back at the trial before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin, letting Peter in to the courtyard with him.
From that point onwards he is beside Mary's side, supporting her during the rest of the Passion, witnessing the trial before Caiaphas and Pilate, the scourging and her encounter with Jesus during his Way of the Cross.
Pondering the power of the first consecration
He is with her when Jesus is crucified and steps up as Jesus gives Mary to him and he to Mary.
When Jesus is taken down and taken to the tomb, he is there.

For someone who does not have any specific lines in the play, his expressions and actions say plenty.

As has often been said, actions can speak louder than words and doing the re-enactment, John is effectively shouting for us to follow Jesus.
At the arrest

Watching the trial by the Sanhedrin

John supporting Mary as the follow Jesus

At the foot of the Cross

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