Caiaphas and the Chief Priests

Ciaiphas and the chief priests watch Jesus get brought before them
Caiaphas and the Chief Priests are the first actors that open the Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion, as they plot the arrest of Jesus and meet with Judas. The actor has played the role of Caiaphas for the last five years and has brought the role to life with a passionate performance, especially his very animated and physical "encouragement" of the Romans to do their job. There are many lines to remember as they are in the betrayal scene where Judas agrees to hand over Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, then the trial at the House of Caiaphas and the various appearances before Pilate, forcing Pilate to bend to their will.
You have one job to do, Roman!

Watching the Jewish guards do their job
When played skillfully, as our actor has done, you can see the interplay between Pilate, who believes that he is in charge as the Romans conquered Jerusalem militarily, and Caipahas who knows that the Romans are only a temporary phenomenon and he is really in charge.
The two chief priests this year were late to the role but performed admirably. Their lines were supporting and interacting with Caiaphas as well as the mocking of Jesus on the cross.
Urging on the Romans as they follow Jesus to the Cross
One key part of the performance is the ad libbing/improvisation that takes place during the Way of the Cross and the Criucifixion scene. While Jesus is being nailed to the cross and raised up, the Jews and Romans banter/trade insults. One example was between the chief priest and the Roman Guard.
Chief Priest (mockingly): "How many Romans does it take to crucify one man?"
Roman Guard, stepping forward, pointing at him: "We have room for one more. Are you ready?"
Chief Priest, stepping back behind the Jewish Guards: "Sorry, I have an appointment tomorrow."

The Chief Priests contemplate on the Way of the Cross

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