Scene 4: The Last Supper

Jesus washed John's feet
The last supper Jesus spent with his disciples was held in the upper room. But before they ate, Jesus did something very strange. Even though He was the one in charge, HE washed the feet of his disciples.
John just accepted what Jesus did and pondered it as he would everything else Jesus did. Enthusiastic Peter rushed in and first said, "Lord, is it for you to wash my feet?"
Jesus replied, "It is not for you to know, now, what I am doing; but you will understand it afterwards."
Still wanting to do what he considered the right thing Peter stood his ground, saying, "I will never let you wash my feet."
"If I do not wash your feet Peter, you can have no part with me."
Peter then went the other direction, "Then, Lord, wash my hands and my head too, not only my feet."
Then wash not just me feet but my whole body!
Jesus responded, "A man who has bathed does not need to wash; he is clean all over. And you are clean now; only, not all of you."
He then beckoned for Peter who, realising he should just do what Jesus says straight away, had his feet washed.
Not understanding, Jesus then explained what he had done.
This is an important start to the Last Supper, setting the model for the unique teaching of Christ and his Church, the Hierarchy of Love. The leader serves those lower in the hierarchy. Those "lower" down do the will of the leader and this all works with love that fully understands the equal dignity of all of God's children.
While the rest of world operates using the Hierarchy of power, Christians are told to apply the Hierarchy of Love.
Peter has no idea why Jesus is doing this

Then when they set down for dinner, Peter and John question Jesus as to who will betray them. Jesus gives them a sign, saying, "It is the man to whom I give this morsel which I am dipping in the dish."
Then Judas takes the morsel and asks, "Is it I, Master?"
"Your own lips have said it." Jesus replies.

Once Judas has left, Jesus transforms the bread and wine into His body and blood.
As they share this meal, Jesus once more tries to prepare his friends for the coming ordeal, although they all don't understand the full impact of what is to come.

Let me tell you why I am doing this, Peter.
Then they leave for the Garden of Gethsemane and the arrest, trial and subsequent crucifixion and death of Jesus.

We'll deny you? Not I, surely?

Whoever dips his morsel into the same dish as I ...

This is my body

Where I go you cannot follow

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