Simon of Cyrene and family

Simon with Alexander and Rufus (behind a pilgrim who is a bit too close)

You! Carry His cross!
This year we expanded the role of Simon of Cyrene, including his two sons mentioned in Scripture, Alexander and Rufus. The two lads who played Simon's sons did a great job. They stayed with Simon throughout the play and then witnessed close-up the forceful request by the Centurion for Simon to help Jesus carry the cross.
"But what about my sons?" Simon asked.
"Not my concern!" replied the Centurion.
(Look at the photo to the right. Simon is holding his sons hands tightly as the Centurion has him by his cloak. Great work!)

The boys then went with the Women of Jerusalem into the grotto where the thieves crosses were waiting.
When Jesus and Simon finally made it, the cross was dropped and the Centurion told Simon, "Go! Your boys are there!"
Simon ran to the boys who gave him a hug.
Simon told the boys, "Now watch Jesus. Watch the lamb!"

Simon meanwhile did a great job supporting the Cross. At various times Jesus struggled and was halted and fell the second and third times. Simon remained holding the cross on his own until Jesus was assisted up and got back under the weight of the cross.

This seemingly minor role performed a great part of the play, showing how even though we are sometimes given the cross without our consent, we can still do our job well and so earn our reward.

Job well done!
Assisting Jesus with the Cross

While Jesus falls, Simon holds the Cross

Sharing the load

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