Women of Jerusalem and Servants

The servants ready to cast false accusations of Jesus
The Women of Jerusalem are a  versatile lot. They are at the start waving palm branches and cheering the triumphant Jesus and his disciples with loud and jubilant Hosannas. Then we gather a few to help as servants at the Last Supper while others join the front of the crowd to provide great colour and atmosphere.
They then skip the arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane to get ready at the Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin. Some have speaking parts accusing Jesus of lots of terrible deeds such as healing on the Sabbath and claiming to forgive sins. Outrageous! But even their testimony was inconsistent.
Don't weep for me Women of Jerusalem
Once Jesus has been found guilty of blasphemy, the scene moves to Peter being spotted by servants and denying Jesus 3 times.
The Women then follow Caiaphas and the Chief priests and Jewish guards to the home of Pontius Pilate. Here they get to witness everything.
One of our Women of Jerusalem who had not been before witnessed the scourging and had tears come to her eyes. The leader of the women held her shoulders and said, "Don't cry yet. We still have to call out for his crucifixion." Such compassion and sisterly support.
Even the Alms collectors weep
They then follow along and quickly jump ahead, ready for when Jesus gets to meet the Women of Jerusalem and tell them not to cry for him, but for their children. Now they can cry.
Lastly they are witnesses to the crucifixion and burial.
Watching the trial of Jesus by the Sanhedrin
As with all the roles, the Women of Jerusalem form an important backbone to the action that happens around them. They form the historical back drop and atmosphere behind which the main action occurs.
I can't imagine the play without their vital presence.
It's a pretty powerful re-enactment

Witnessing the Crucifixion

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