Mary, the Mother of God and Mary Magdalene

Watching the trial before the Sanhedrin
We know from Tradition and Scripture that Mary was nearby during this period of the Passion. We also know that Mary Magdalene was supportive and so our play shows Mary, the mother of God and Mary Magdalene present from the trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin to the end.
Mary Magdalene has some lines when she tells off one of the Jewish Guards at the entrance to the House of Caiaphas, letting everyone know that this trial is illegal under Jewish law as it is being done in secret and at night with not enough people present.
(In the script we had the guard gently push her aside after her little speech and then Mary Magdalene goes to Mary, the mother of God's side. But the guard and Mary Magdalene did some improvising of their own and had Mary dropped roughly to the ground. It was very effective, but during the dress rehearsal we weren't expecting it and everyone told off the Jewish Guard for being too rough. He looked around surprised, "What?" as we looked down at Mary grinning.)
Mary wipes up the spilled blood of Jesus

Jesus meets his Mother with Mary Magdalene in support
From this point onwards, Mary, Mary Magdalene and St John were together, following Jesus from scene to scene.
When Pilate orders in disgust for "someone to have this blood cleaned from my halls", this provides the opportunity for Pilate's wife Claudia to hand over some cloths to Mary, the mother of God who begins to wipe up her son's blood. Mary Magdalene then joins in, the two of them adding tears to the spilled blood.

Longinus monitoring the meeting of Jesus and his mother
Once Jesus is condemned by Pilate, they hurry forward and are able to have a quick meeting with Jesus.
This is the opportunity for the only line Mary has as she asks her son, "My son, what have they done to you?"
Jesus replies with love and care in his voice, "It is the Lord's will my mother, let us rejoice."

Finally they make it to the crucifixion, where Jesus hands over Mary to the care of St John and John to the care of Mary.
Mary at the foot of the cross

A live version of the Pieta scene.
Finally, when the body of Jesus is taken down from the cross, bloodied and beaten, Mary gets to hold him one last time, reminiscent of the famous statue by Michelangelo, the Pieta.

The role of Mary and her loyal supporter Mary Magdalene are very strenuous. There is a lot of emotion going on and physical movement going from scene to scene. The two ladies who have taken on the roles this year have left powerful memories for all that have participated in the re-enactment.

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