The Blind Beggar and the Two Thieves

What is this commotion?
We have three more characters to explore in our Re-enactment journey. At the beginning of the action, Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, is sitting along the road, begging and calling to the crowd. Our actor this year did some great improvising calling to the crowd for about 30 minutes before Jesus finally came near him and his moment had arrived.
When he heard Jesus he cried out. The crowd told him to be quiet and stop bothering Jesus, but he cried out more.
Jesus heard him and asked James to bring the beggar to him.
"What would you have me do for you?" asks Jesus.
Boldly, Bartimaeus replies, "Lord, give me back my sight."
So Jesus laid his hands on Bartimaeus and his sight was restored. His joy at being healed was so great he bounced around the crowd proclaiming the power of Jesus until the crowd had all finally passed along, following Jesus.

Then the actor quickly went to his next scene where he changed costume to become Gestas, the bad thief. He joined the fellow playing Dysmas, the good thief, after he had arrived after being the Apostle, St Matthew.
Jesus! Heal me!

Hurry up Criminals!
The mission of the two thieves now was to endure the way of the cross leading the procession with all the action with Jesus occurring behind them. The Romans continued to encourage them to move forward and then stop as there was some commotion behind them, and then move again. The little scenes between the thieves and the Romans may have been missed by many, but they did their parts very well.

Finally they were placed on their crosses, one of the left and the other to the right of Jesus.

Gestas soon began to abuse and ridicule Jesus, "Are you not Christ? Then save yourself and save us too!"
But Dysmas spoke up, defending Jesus with his famous lines, "Have you no fear of God? It is true we were sentenced as we deserved and are paying for what we have done, but this man has done nothing wrong. Oh Jesus, please remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Then Jesus gave Dysmas the answer to his request, giving hope for us all, "Truly I promise you, this day you will be with me in paradise."
Hey Jesus! Call on Elijah to save you!

Jesus. Remember me when you come into your Kingdom!
Well done gentlemen. You did your parts very well!

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