St James and Joseph of Aramathea

Jesus summons you
St James doing his thing
Should we use the swords now?

Sir, Can I have the Body of Jesus?
Our actor who played the role of Saint James the Apostle, and after the dispersal of the apostles changed his role to be Joseph of Aramathea.
We were meant to provide him with a change of costume, but in the rush that is the Re-enactment, that was overlooked. But no-one seemed to have noticed as there was a long time and a lot of action between the two scenes.
The actor joined us at the Dress rehearsal and it was his first time experiencing the lay. He did an excellent job.

As one of those close to Jesus, St James brought the Bling Beggar Bartimeus to Jesus to be healed, he had one of the swords Peter mentions to Jesus and as the guards approached to arrest Jesus, he asked if now was the time for the swords.
He then fled with the other disciples once Jesus told them he must be arrested.

At the end of the play, he now appeared as Joseph of Aramathea, one of the chief priests who was a follower of Jesus and had a tomb handy for the burial of Jesus.
He was the one who boldly went to Pilate to ask for the body.

Excellent work.

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