The Bad Guys

Meeting with Caiaphas and the Chief priests

This is for Israel. There is no other way.
The fellow who plays Judas and Barrabas has been in almost every play since the Re-enactments began at The Shrine of Our Lady or Mercy at Penrose Park over 25 years ago. Sometimes when the play was struggling for actors, he went the full bad guy trifecta, playing the bad thief too!
He is a great source of knowledge and experience in not just the roles he has made his own, but also in the mechanics of running the event. It was very helpful getting his advice. We listened to the lines he has actually been saying in the play over the years and they are now part of the script.
Is it I, Lord?
As we have attended most of the plays over the last 18 years, in our minds we see him as Judas and Barrabas.
The inter-play between Judas and the High Priests where he agrees to hand Jesus over to them for 30 pieces of silver is well done. Then  he rejoins Jesus and the disciples for the entry into Jerusalem as if nothing is amiss.
At the Last Supper, along with the rest of the disciples he asks "Is it I, Lord?" when Jesus mentions he will soon be betrayed.
Is it with a kiss you betray me?

Do you want Jesus ... or this Barrabas?
At the entry to the Garden of Gethsemane Judas tells the guards that the one he greets with a kiss will be Jesus. He tells them to "Hold him fast, and take him away under guard!"
His reaction when Jesus admonishes him with "Judas would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?" is excellent.

Once he has run off, he quickly changes into his Barrabas prisoner outfit. When Pilate is ready for his crafty prisoner give-away, he is brought out to show to the crowd.
"Who would want Barrabas?" thought Pilate as he offered the choice between Jesus and the notorious murderer and criminal.
Out manoeuvred by Caiaphas, Pilate releases Barrabas who joins the crowd with a surprised expression, but the Jews quickly let him through and ignore him as they re-focus on their main prey.
Good Riddance by the Romans.

Pawel, thanks for helping out once again!

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