Veronica - the lady of tradition

Veronica approaches Jesus

Veronica Meets Jesus
The station of the cross where Veronica wipes the face of Jesus may not be in scripture, but it is firmly based in the history and tradition of the Church.
You can read more of the history of the Veil here.
Jesus meeting Veronica is an important part of the re-enactment and is sixth out of the fourteen stations of the cross.
Veronica nicely mixes the care for Jesus and the surprise that her kindly act of wiping His face with her veil leaves an indelible image of the face of Jesus.
Look! His face! He is a holy Man!
After her meeting with Jesus, Veronica moves on and joins the weeping Women of Jerusalem and then moves to the crucifixion scene to be part of the Jewish crowd watching the end of Our Lord's passion.

It is a fascinating part of the events of the day and forms an important part of the play.
After Jesus passes by

As part of the weeping Women of Jerusalem

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