2011 & 2012 - More fine weather and a new Jesus

2011 - High Priests start young
As you have seen by this Passion Play history series, there are so many people involved as actors and more behind the scenes that work together to make this day such a success.
In many ways, the hardest role to play is that of Jesus. He is in every scene and the one scene in which He does not appear, He is the subject - the deal between Judas and the High Priests.
The actor playing Jesus has the most lines and the most stressful role, from the early scenes of His joyful procession into Jerusalem, the Last Supper where he explains what is about to happen and his farewell to the Apostles, the agony in the garden and his arrest and abandonment by his closest friends, the trial before the Sanhedrin, the questioning and judgement of Pontius Pilate, Scourging at the pillar and crowning with thorns, then an 800 metre walk carrying his cross to the crucifixion.
2011 - High Priests aplenty

2011 - The excellent Narrator staying out of the limelight.
The large crowds (between 5 and 10 thousand people) are listening to his every word through the microphone and speakers. He is jostled and abused by the Jewish and Roman guards.
When you think about it, who would volunteer for this?

The only way the actor playing Jesus can survive the play is to treat it as more than just an acting role. It is important he prepares not just physically, but also spiritually, to reflect on his role and the impact he can have on not just those around them, but also everyone that comes on Good Friday.
2011 - Washing Peter's feet

2011 - Jesus asking Peter, James and John to stay awake

2011 - An experienced Judas explaining how it's done to the Jewish Guards
I expect the best way to approach it is as a challenge, like so many God throws our way, where we accept the opportunity and with God's help, do it to the best of our ability.

Having witnessed so many of the Passion Plays I have a great respect for the brave men that have played Jesus over the years.
Well done!

2011 - Donation collectors watching the play

2011 - Pilate questioning Jesus

2011 - A reluctant Simon of Cyrene volunteered by the Centurion

2011 - a fine example of a Roman Auxiliary

2011 - How Jesus used to be carried from the Cross to the Tomb

2012 - Playing Jesus will be great!

2012 - Jesus washing Peter's feet

2012 - The Romans always get into the scourging.

2012 - The Crowning with Thorns

2012 - Jesus during the Way of the Cross

2012 - Jesus nearing the end of the way just before the Crucifixion

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