2016 - Another great Passion Play

Jesus and most of his Apostles
The same yet different. That is how you can describe any Passion Play that has been held since the earliest times since the actual events that occurred around 30AD or so.
Whether it was a play run in Germany in the middle ages, or England or any country on Earth, although the basic story is the same, the methods and styles vary.
This year the photos were by a 12 year old girl as her Dad was narrating instead of taking photos himself. She did a pretty good job.

Also this year there was a start of more acting direction, especially in the opening scenes and the a whole new scene involving Claudia and Mary at the scourging were added.
Judas making his deal with Caiphus

Palm Sunday
The Jewish Guards were beefed up with the addition of a new leader of the guards and the Romans reacted well. There was a lot more passion flying between the Jewish and Roman Guards!

Each year the play builds on and adapts from the previous play. As actors move in to and out of the various roles and the directors and players apply their interpretations, the play is ever evolving around the same core framework. That is why attending each year is very rewarding. The same essential story is re-told and everyone receives new insights into what has happened. Perfect!
Yes, Peter, you get your feet washed too.

Action filled arrest of Jesus
Finally 2016 is done. Now we're ready for the preparation for this year's play. I hope you have enjoyed this trip through the last 15 years of the Good Friday Passion Play. Interested in joining in as an actor or support crew? Remember to sign up to the email list on the top right of this page.
Jesus presented before the Sanhedrin

Mary meets Jesus on the Way of the Cross

A Roman guards the way

Gentle encouragement of Jesus

Veronica meets Jesus

Almost there

Claudia watches on

Jesus is raised on his Cross

The bad thief mocking Jesus

Mary, Mary and John at the foot of the Cross

The removal of Jesus to his tomb

The 2016 director glad that another Passion Play has succeeded.

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