2015 - Wet and new Crowd Management

What does a 5 year old do when faced with such a wet umbrella?
A very wet Good Friday with many worries for the organisers.
With about fifteen minutes to go the director realised he had no-one heading up crowd management which meant the crowd would naturally start pushing in on the actors and make it difficult for observers and actors to do the job.
Then four locals stepped up and asked, "Do you want a hand with Crowd Control? We've been coming to this play for ages and can help if you want."
And so they were able to assist.
There were already a  number of people that were able to provide assistance holding some ropes, especially on the Way of the Cross from those that had been helping the parking, but having the four free-lance helpers guiding the crowd back, especially in the earlier scenes were a great help.
Dry as a bone on a wet day - perfect to assist with Crowd Control

Raining until just before the start of the play.
Amazingly, but not surprisingly, the rain stopped just before the start of the play. Also, despite all the things the organisers could see that didn't work as planned, the play went well. It is amazing that all directors have a vision for what they would like to see and somehow, with the good will of all involved, despite lots of behind the scenes hits and misses, the play goes on. Those visiting miss all the supposed errors and just see the play and remember the reason - a very immersive meditation on Jesus' Passion and Crucifixion.
Agony in the garden

Don't mess with the Romans
The whole History series can be seen via the History section linked at the right or here.
Way of the cross with crowds kept back

Simon of Cyrene glad to help

They're going to do WHAT to Jesus?!

Crowd Management in action

A distraught Mary after meeting Jesus on the way of the Cross

Jesus on the Cross

Father! Forgive them ...

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