2024 Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion

This year the last vestiges of Covid government restrictions fatigue were thrown off and a great crowd of the faithful and the curious traveled to The Shrine of Divine Mercy, Penrose Park on Good Friday, 29 March 2024, to participate in the Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion. This is also called "The Passion Play".

Those attending didn't just come to watch. The Play is a moving play where each scene takes place in a different place with the actors, crew and crowd moving from scene to scene, eventually travelling about 1,500 metres from start to finish. You can't be a passive observer when you keep moving from scene to scene, seeing, hearing, feeling what happens in each scene. We guarantee that everyone will experience the play differently every time it is attended, as your view at each scene will be different. Also, actors playing different roles change over the years and every actor put something of themselves into their roles.

When a visitor to the Play hears the story of the Passion of Christ, whether at Church, in film or reading the scriptures, images from their involvement in the play will bring life to these historic events. Here is a brief overview of each scene of the play.

The betrayal of Jesus by Judas.

Caiaphus and the chief priests conspired to sort out the problem of Jesus. Judas arrives and promises to help them.

Palm Sunday. Jesus arrives in Jerusalem

Jesus and the Apostles arrive in Jerusalem to shouts of praise. SOme of the priests tell him to calm down, but this cannot be, as even if Jesus tried, the very stones would cry out.

The Healing of the Blind Man

Hearing Jesus passing by, Bartimeus, the blind beggar called out for the help of Jesus. He is healed of his blindness.

The Last Supper.

Jesus has his last chance of being together with all of his disciples. The Eucharist is instituted and many lessons are shared with his friends. Despite knowing of what is to some, Jeses sets forth.

The Agony in the Garden.

Jesus nows the best way to prepare for trials is prayer. So he prays and asks his friends to pray with him.

Jesus is Arrested.

Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. The Temple Guards arrest Jesus after a brief fight as Jesus permits "them to have their way in this".

The Trial by the Sanhedrin.

Caiaphus and the chief priests conduct their trial. First they attempted to get Jesus to convict himself, then tried "witnesses". Eventually invoking his authority, Caiaphus has Jesus announce he is God by saying "I AM".

Peter denies Jesus.

Despite his best intentions, Peter sees the apparent total failure of the mission of Jesus and when accused by others, denies Jesus.

Jesus is brought to Pilate

Uner Roman rule, the Sanhedrin can't condemn a man to death, so they bring him to Pontius Pilate. Pilate's first attempt to avoid the death penalty is send them to Herod.

Barrabas or Christ?

Pilate's second attempt is to offer the relase of the Murderer Barrabas or Jesus. The crowd chose Barrabas.

Jesus is Scourged and Crowned with Thorns.

"Scourge him but do not kill him!" Pilate tries a third time to avoid killing Jesus.

Pilate and Claudia Meet

Claudia, Pilate's wife, encourages Pontius Pilate to do the right thing and avoid condemning Jesus.


1. Jesus is Condemned to Death

Pilate has lost his battle of wits with Caiaphus and condemns Jesus to death. Does washing his hands of the affair absolve his guilt?

2. Jesus Carries His Cross.

They made Jesus carry his own cross to the place of His Crucifixion.

3. Jesus Falls the First Time.

Exhausted by his sufferings, Jesus falls the first time.

4. Jesus meets his Mother.

Jesus meets Mary on his way to his death.

5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross.

The bystander Simon of Cyrene is "volunteered" to help Jesus carry His Cross.

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

During a break in the procession, Veronica wipes the face of a weary Jesus.

7. Jesus Falls the Second Time.

Jesus continues to get weaker and falls a second time

8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

The women of Jerusalem lament as Jesus passes by.

9. Jesus Falls the Third Time.

Almost to the end, Jesus falls for the third time.

10. Jesus is stripped of his garments

The Romans strip Jesus and gamble over his clothes.

11. Jesus is placed on the Cross

Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12. Jesus Dies on the Cross

After much abuse, Jesus dies on the Cross.

13. Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Now dead, Jesus is taken down from the cross and wrapped in linen.

14. Jesus is laid in the Tomb.

The tomb of Josephus is used as the burial chamber for Jesus

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