2008 - Another overcast year

Quite young apostles getting ready behind the weeping women
2008 was once more raining and overcast before the start and then cleared in time for the play. I think I am sensing a trend!
Each year we have a mix of old, new and returning players, acting in the various roles.
I have heard from a number of past participants that these photos are bringing back memories. Feel free to share some of yours in the comments.

You will also notice that some of the places in which the scenes are held have changed over time as different players and directors envisage the combination of the scene requirements, crowd positioning and experience, and crowd mechanics.

Judas getting ready to betray Jesus

Pontious Pilate questioning Jesus
An important part of the play management is planning out projected movements of the actors, props and crowd as the play moves from scene to scene. This is not a passive play where one can sit in a comfy chair and stay in one place. Every scene is a different physical place. The distance from the first scene where Judas makes his deal with the Jewish High Priest to the last scene of the burial of Jesus is about 1,500 metres. If you haven't participated in the play before, try to imagine the immersive nature of experiencing the Passion of Christ as you walk along, surrounded by others, hearing the actors, getting different views of the action depending on where you find yourself when the scene changes.
Jesus taken from the Cross. Who is that guy on the left?

A common tactic is to be at the front of the crowd in one scene and the rear in the next. That way over a couple of plays you get plenty of front row action.
The Crucifixion from the back of the crowd.

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