Why be in the Good Friday Passion Play?

You! Carry that cross!
Participating in the Passion Play takes quite a bit of work, but when everyone does their part the whole thing comes together. Amazingly for an event with so many different moving parts the day ends up an incredibly powerful experience.
Being part of the play is beneficial on many levels:

1. Spiritual - as a proper Stations of the Cross, the play can be a plenary indulgence. More on that later, but this is available for the walkthrough, dress rehearsal and Good Friday! Awesome.

2. Physical - the play length is around 1,500 metres from start to end. Add in the to-ing and fro-ing and it all adds up to quite a nice workout.

Just listen to the Roman, peasants.
3. Companionship - how often do you get a chance to do something worthwhile with such a great group of fellow Catholics. The play brings together fellow faithful of a variety of backgrounds and ages, working and praying for a common good end. That's pretty awesome.

4. Challenge - the play is a great opportunity to gain experiences, no matter what part you contribute. As an actor or support person, doing your best helps everyone and yourself.

5. Fun - It really is fun surrounded by others all doing their best and supporting each other. Anyone who has been part of the play can tell you of the high we experience once the play is completed as we look to each other with huge grins and looks that convey the message, "We did it!". There is the smiling support from the spectators, and memories of the companionship and teamwork. Finally there is the increased understanding of the Passion of Jesus from participating in such an immersive version fo the Scriptures.

So. What are you waiting for? Join the mailing list and tell your friends and family.

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