2009 & 2010 - Changing faces

2009 - High Priests awaiting Jesus
I have combined 2009 and 2010 in this post as we are need to be moving along to the present. We can gradually see some change in costumes and players.
In 2009 the Romans are in a consistent uniform and the Jewish Guards now have the dark over-tunic.
You can also see some changes in the set for the Sanhedrin with a pathway, chairs and candle holders.

Crowd Management is important as this allows the maximum number of the crowd to see the play, provides room for the actors to perform their scenes, and ensures the safety of all concerned. In 2009 you can see the crowd is distant from the fall of Jesus which allows more people to see and the actors to do their thing.
2009 - The Jewish guards now have the brown over-cloaks.

2009 - The Romans all in uniform "helping" Jesus
Something happened in 2010 and you can see the result with the crowd pushing in on Jesus and actors as they struggle to make their way to the crucifixion. (Bottom photo)

In 2010 the Jewish high priests had new costumes which look really impressive. There are costumes for 3 high priests and 3 members of the Sanhedrin.
Also, in 2010 there were a number of Auxiliaries attached to the Roman crew wearing brown costumes.

2009 - Centurion: "Truly this man was the Son of God"
To see the whole history series, you can look at the History section at the side of this page or go to the label History.
2010 - The High Priests now get the heavier outfits

2010 - Peter getting his feet washed.

2010 - A familiar fellow whipping Jesus - see the Roman Auxiliary?

2010 - A little encouragement during the Way of the Cross

2010 - When Crowd Management didn't work.

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