Scene 7: Jesus is Condemned by the Sanhedrin

Waiting for Jesus
In the scriptures, Jesus was first brought in front of Annas, father in law of Caiaphas, for informal questioning. This has been combined into the one trial for our re-enactment. The initial questioning up to the beating was done in the presence of Annas and then Jesus was brought in front of the full court.

They led Jesus into the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest, where all the Chief Priests, elders and scribes had assembled. Peter and John followed at a distance. John spoke to the guard at the door and brought Peter right into the grounds. It was cold and the servants and officers had made a charcoal fire and stood there warming themselves. Peter went to sit with the attendants, warming himself by the fire and John went to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.
Jesus brought before Caiaphas

So Jesus. Tell us of your teachings
The actual trial was illegal by Jewish standards where the trial had to be public, witnesses were there for both sides, with cross-examination allowed and so on.
This is why we have Mary Magdalene making a scene with the Temple Guard at the entry to the court grounds.
The guard pushes here away and she joins Mary and John as they watch what unfolds in the outer court.

This is an illegal trial!
Caiaphas opens the proceedings by asking Jesus about his teachings and followers. Jesus basically states his right to not be accused based on his own witness.
"I have spoken openly before the world; my teaching has been given in the synagogue and in the temple, where all the Jews gather; nothing that I have said was said in secret. Why do you question me? Ask those who listened to me what my words were; they know well enough what I said."
A Temple Guard struck Jesus and said, "Is this how you make answer to the high priest?"
Jesus, once more highlighting his rights as the accused, replied, "If there was harm in what I said, tell us what was harmful in it; if not, why do you strike me?"
Watching proceedings...
The guards then tied a blindfold on Jesus and beat him up, mocking him with statements like, "Tell me a prophesy coward, who struck you?"

Caiaphas steps in and puts a stop to the beating and gets the proceedings moving again.

What evidence is brought against you?
Caiaphas and the Chief Priests and elders of the people tried to find an accusation against Jesus which would lead to his death.
"Who else accuses you?" Caiaphas asked.
Then a number of "witnesses" presented a variety of accusations based on what they claim Jesus said and did.
Many accused him falsely, but their accusations did not agree. At last two stood up and falsely accused him thus:
"We heard his say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made by men’s hands and in three days I will build another with no hand of man to help me."
Another accuser replied, "Ha, it took forty years to build the temple and he would build it in three days? What fool’s thoughts are these?"
This was backed by another accuser,"I heard him say he could raise it in two days!"

Is that how you answer the High Priest?

Even on this point their evidence was conflicting. Caiaphas, knowing that he could not get suitable evidence on which to convict Jesus, stood up before the whole assembly and put this question to Jesus.

"Have you no answer? What is the accusation these people bring against you?"

But Jesus remained silent and still did not answer. Caiaphas, annoyed  by his inability to have any valid accusations, invoked the power of his position as High Priest.

"I adjure you by the living God, are you the Christ?"
Jesus recognised Caiaphas' invoking of the authority of the High Priest position and so answered, "Why, if I tell you, you will never believe me: and if I ask you questions, I know you will not answer them, nor acquit me. I will only tell you that a time is coming when you will see the Son of Man again, when he is seated in power at God’s right hand, and comes on the clouds of heaven."

And they beat him
Caiaphas listened carefully and realising this was not a No, he pushed further, "You are, then, the Son of the blessed God?"

Jesus replied, using the words God used to Moses in the burning bush and the name for God recognised by all Jews, "Your own lips have said it. I AM."
In shock that Jesus would claim to be God Himself, Caiaphas reacted in amazement and horror, "BLASPHEMY!"
He ripped his cloak and cried to those in the court, "He has blasphemed; what further need have we of witnesses? Mark well, you have heard his blasphemy yourselves from his own mouth. What is your finding?"
And placed a blindfold on him

He said he would build the temple in 3 days!
The chief priests and elders replied, "The penalty is death!"
Are you the Son of the Living God?



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