Scene 25: Jesus is Taken Down form the Cross (Station 13)

May I have the body of Jesus?
A rich man called Joseph came forward, one of the councillors, a good and upright man, who had not taken part with the council and its doings; he was from Arimathea, a Jewish city, and was a disciple of Jesus, but in secret, for fear of the Jews. It was already evening; and because it was the day of preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, he boldly went to Pilate, and asked to have the body of Jesus.
Joseph said, "Sir, may I have the body of Jesus the Nazarene?"
Pilate replied, "I am astonished that he should have died so soon. Centurion. Is it as he has said? Has the man Jesus died already?"
Longinus answered, "Yes, he is dead."
Pilate agreed and told Joseph, "Very well Joseph, you may have his body by my authority. Dispose of it as you will."

His side was pierced 
The Jews would not let the bodies remain crucified on the sabbath, because that sabbath day was a solemn one; and since it was now the eve, they had asked Pilate that the bodies might have their legs broken, and be taken away. And so the soldiers came and broke the legs both of the one and of the other that were crucified with him.

When they came to Jesus, and found him already dead, they did not break his legs, but one of the soldiers thrust a spear into his side; and immediately blood and water flowed out.

This was so ordained to fulfil what is written, ‘Not a single bone of his shall be broken.’
And again, another passage in scripture says, ‘They will look upon the man whom they have pierced.

And blood and water flowed
 The Roman Soldiers lowered the cross, placing Jesus on some prepared linen on the ground. The Centurion, Longinus, directs his soldiers to let Mary through.

Joseph of Aramethea came when Jesus’ body was taken down; and with him was Nicodemus, the same who made his first visit to Jesus by night; he brought with him a mixture of myrrh and aloes, of about a hundred pounds weight.
They took Jesus’ body, then, and wrapped it in a clean linen sheet with the spices; that is how the Jews prepare a body for burial.
A pieta moment

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