Scene 1: Judas meet Caiaphus and the Chief Priests

Bring Judas to us (watched over by Father)
Caiaphus was the High Priest the year that Jesus was crucified and it fell to him to decide what to do about this son of a carpenter that was going around causing trouble.
The Chief Priests discussed all the problems Jesus was causing with his claims to authority, performing miracles, preaching to the people and He even raised Lazarus from the dead in front of many witnesses. They feared that if they didn't do anything, the Romans would come and it would be the end for them.
Caiaphus had some of divine insight and said, "You have no perception at all; you do not reflect that it is best for us if one man is put to death for the sake of the people, to save a whole nation from destruction."

What will you pay me?
So they issued this order: "Anyone who knows where Jesus is should report it to us, so that we can arrest him."
Judas contacted the Chief priests and agreed to reveal the location of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
He vowed he would do this.

This is an important starting point to our Re-enactment as it shows what is going on at the time Jesus spends his last days in Jerusalem. The High Priest and Chief Priests are out to get Jesus and stop this challenge to their authority. They also knew that the people wanting a messiah to free them from the Romans would bring the wrath of the Romans upon them - hard.
I vow this will be done

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