2023 Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion

 The 2023 Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion went very well.

There was forecast of rain for the day but we kept telling everyone, "It will not rain during the play".

Sure enough, the rain stopped at 10:30am the by midday the sun was shining until mid afternoon.

Here is a selection of fine photos from the day. Click for larger versions.

Jesus chats with his disciples

The Opening Prayer

Caiaphus and Chief Priests discuss the problem of Jesus


Jesus heals the Blind Beggar

Jesus with some disciples

The crowd follows Jesus

Jesus washes John's feet

Peter has his feet washed by Jesus

Take and eat; this is my body, which is given up for you.

Believe me, Peter, this night, before the second cock-crow, you will thrice disown me.

Had you not the strength to keep awake one hour with me?

He was now in agony, and prayed still more earnestly, his sweat falling to the ground like thick drops of blood.

Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Peter just of the ear of Malchus

Jesus heals Malchus

All those who take up the sword, will perish by the sword. 

Jesus is Arrested

Jesus is taken to the Sanhedrin

Are you, too, from Galilee? Look in the scriptures; you will find that Galilee does not breed prophets. Away with you!

Is it the way of our law to judge a man without giving him a hearing first?

John spoke to the guard at the door and brought Peter right into the grounds.

Peter went to sit with the attendants, warming himself by the fire

What trial? Begone woman! 

Watching the trial

Is this how you make answer to the high priest?

Several brought false evidence against him.

Your own lips have said it. I AM.

Kill Him! Kill the blasphemer!

It is certain you are one of them; even your speech betrays you

God is my judge; this man is nothing to me!

I do not know this man!

Mary comforts Peter

Jesus is brought to the House of Pontius Pilate

The crowd looked on

Pilate wonders how he can avoid convicting Jesus

Are you the King of the Jews?

Jesus waiting to meet Pilate

Crucify Him.

Crucify Him!

Just 10 lashes

And 10 more

Jesus is scourged

A crown and cloak for a king

Mary watches as Jesus is dragged past her

Pontius, I told you to have nothing to do with this man.

Behold the Man!

I am innocent of this man’s blood, it is your concern. 

Jesus takes up his Cross

Move back!

Jesus and his Cross

Temple Guards and Roman Soldiers clash.

Mary meets Jesus on the way of the cross

The two thieves were part of the procession

Jesus continues carrying is Cross

Roman servant boys lead the procession 

Simon of Cyrene is "Volunteered" to help Jesus with the cross.

Keep Moving!

More clashes of the guards and Romans

Mutual assistance

Simon looks at Jesus

Jesus meets Veronica

Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem

A boy in the crowd approached Jesus

The centurion encourages Jesus after another fall

The guide rope is pulled along

A young man in the crowd touches Jesus

Jesus is placed on the Cross

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews

The chief priests abused Him

Save yourself and then save us too!

Oh Jesus, please remember me when you come into your kingdom

Mary and John watch Jesus on the Cross

Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing

Eloi Eloi, lama sabachthani

Jesus died on the Cross

They priced his side and blood and water came out.

The Roman watches

Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Women of Jerusalem watch

Jesus is taken to the Tomb