Good Friday 2019 - Are you ready?

Ready for His Passion
It's that time of year. Summer moves to Autumn and our hearts turn to Good Friday and the Re-enactment of Our Lord's Passion. We have sent out the first email rallying the passionate participants of the play.

If you did not get the email, please let us know.

If you wish to join the mailing list so you can stay informed, go to our Mailing List Signup (or complete the form at the right side of this page)

We are getting everything ready for another immersive, exciting Passion Play at the Pauline Father's Monastery in Penrose Park on Good Friday. Now is the time to join us in preparing as an actor or part of the vital support team.
Who is playing who?
First choice for a role goes to the person who played the part last year. Some of our actors have decided to switch roles for a change of pace meaning there are a number of spare positions available at present. If you or someone you know wants to play any of the roles, or you want to try a change of role, please let us know. We need confirmation in two weeks by 23 February. Then we will send out a list with all the filled and open positions.
Near the end of a very busy day


After re-examining all our options for communication we have settled on email via our mailing list, this web page and Facebook to point to the email/web site. The web page has a huge number of posts detailing past plays and examples of the roles and tasks that are part of the play. It is an interesting look at past plays and a great recruiting tool too!
Everyone has email so that has to be the default method of getting in touch. Anyone that wants to join in just needs to join the mailing list at

Great posts to give you a good understanding of what the play is about:

The Passion Play is more than just another play
Why be in the Good Friday Passion Play?
The Essential Support Team
A 6 minute video summary of the play
The Way of the Cross - 2018

Why take part?

This is a great opportunity to maximise your Lenten preparation for Easter and fully immerse yourself into the Passion of Jesus Christ. Very few things bring us this close when YOU are part of the incredible story of the Passion. Even a small role exposes you to a new, fresh perspective on those pivotal events in human history almost 2,000 years ago. It's also fun.

What we require from all actors

1. All speaking roles must be at the Walk through on Saturday 23 March at Penrose Park.
2. ALL actors must be present at the Dress Rehearsal on Saturday 6th April at Penrose park. The Dress Rehearsal will be full on with photos and fake blood.
3. You have to be there on Good Friday 19 April (Of course)
On the practice days we will be arranging for accommodation at the Penrose Park retreat centre for those that wish to make a weekend of it. More details as we get closer to the day.
We will provide costumes. You will need to ensure you wear appropriate shoes and shirts that don't look out of place too much with 1st Century Jerusalem.